I really thought I would have written a short book by now. It’s on my ‘to do’ list. Ha. I really think it should be called ‘the junk drawer list’, because it’s just like that drawer in the kitchen that catches all your stuff. You know, the bottomless crapfest you open when you’re “cleaning” in order to toss the stuff you want to organize and put away (there’s just no time!)…the seeming treasures you’re not ready to throw in the trash just yet. “I still need it,” you justify to yourself. Or, “I’ll get around to it.” And eventually the drawer won’t close anymore. Or you have to shove everything down in order to get it to shut. Yeah, that. My life is kind of like that junk drawer lately. Which isn’t bad. I mean, that drawer does have some cool stuff. Ever dig around and find a gift card you forgot you had? Or a rad package of stationary? Or something your kid handmade years ago? Yup, that’s my life. That book is still in there, too. And I’ll pull those good intent...
Families share their experiences living with disability.